PROF. DR. METİN ÖZATA - ENDOKRİNOLOJİ, ENDOKRİN, METABOLİZMA, TİROİD, DİYABET, DİYET, ZAYIFLAMA UZMANI Endokrin, Endokrinoloji, Metabolizma, Zayıflama, Diyet, Diyabet, Diabet, Hipofiz, Prolaktin, Tiroid, Guatr, Tüylenme, Polikistik over, Paratiroid, Böbreküstü bezi, Hormon, Hormonlar, Testis, Yumurtalık, Metabolizma, Boy kısalığı, Kemik erimesi
Prof. Dr. Metin ÖZATA
Yayımlanmış Kitaplar
Böbreküstü Bezi-ADRENAL BEZ
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Hormonlar ve …
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İletişim - Ulaşım

Kişiye Özel Kalıcı Zayıflama Rehberi - Prof. Dr. Metin ÖZATA - TIKLAYINIZ... Vitamin Miineral ve Bitkisel Ürün Rehberi - Prof. Dr. Metin ÖZATA - TIKLAYINIZ...
Gİ Diyeti - Prof. Dr. Metin ÖZATA - TIKLAYINIZ... 99 Sayfada Kilo Yönetimi - Prof. Dr. Metin ÖZATA - TIKLAYINIZ...
ENDOKRİNOLOJİ - Prof. Dr. Metin ÖZATA - TIKLAYINIZ... Diyabetle Kaliteli Yaşam Rehberi - Prof. Dr. Metin ÖZATA - TIKLAYINIZ...
Doğru Beslen - Formda Kal - Prof. Dr. Metin ÖZATA - TIKLAYINIZ... 99 Sayfada Sağlıklı ve Dengeli Beslenme - Prof. Dr. Metin ÖZATA - TIKLAYINIZ...
Guatr ve Tiroid Rehberi - Prof. Dr. Metin ÖZATA - TIKLAYINIZ... Tiroid Hakkında Bilmeniz Gereken Herşey - Prof. Dr. Metin ÖZATA - TIKLAYINIZ...







1958 yılında Burdur'da doğdu. Ege Tıp fakültesinde 5 yıl okuduktan sonra 1982 yılında GATA Tıp Fakültesinden birincilikle mezun oldu. 1990 yılında İç Hastalıkları uzmanı, 1992 yılında Endokrinoloji Uzmanı oldu. 1994 yılında doçent 2003 yılında profesör oldu. 1986 yılında Almanya da çalıştı. 1992-1993 yıllarında Amerika'da Chicago Üniversitesi Endokrin Tiroid Bölümünde çalıştı. 2003-2008 yılları arasında GATA Haydarpaşa Eğitim Hastanesi Endokrinoloji ve Metabolizma kliniği direktörlüğü yaptı. 2008 Ağustos ayında kendi isteği ile emekli oldu. Halen sadece muayenehanesinde serbest hekimlik yapmaktadır. İngilizce ve Almanca bilir. 

1.    Turk Diabet Cemiyeti  Prof. Celal Oker Bilim Odulu (1995)
2.    Bayindir Tip Merkezi Bilim Tesvik Odulu (1997)
3.    TUBITAK  Bilim Tesvik Odulu (1998)
4.    Endokrinoloji ve Metabolizma Kongresi En Iyi Sozel Bildiri Odulu (1998)
5.    GATA 100. Yil Ulusal Bilim Yarismasi ikinciligi odulu (1998)
6.    GATA 100. Yil TSK Saglik personeli Bilim yarismasi ucuncusu (1998)
7.    Endokrinoloji ve Metabolizma Kongresi en iyi sozel bildiri  odulu (1999)
8.    Roche  Bilimsel Arastirma Endokrinoloji Bilim Odulu Birincisi (2000)
9.    2. Ulusal Ic Hastaliklari Kongresi En iyi bildiri ucunculuk odulu (2000)
10.    GATA 2000-2001 yili Dahili Bilimler Arastirma Makalesi 2. ve  4.cusu
11.    Servier Diabet Proje Yarismasi Proje Destek Odulu (2000)
12.    Metabolik Sendrom X Bilimsel Arastirma Yarismasi Birinciligi (2000)
13.    Turk Diabet Vakfi Diabet Arastirma Birincilik Odulu (2001)
14.    TUBITAK Turkiye Tip Arastirma Odulu (2001)
15.    Turk Diabet Vakfi En iyi Bilimsel yayin Birinciligi (2002)
16.    GATA en iyi yayin ikinciligi (2002)
17.    Bayindir Tip Merkezi Bilim Odulu (2003)
18.    Istanbul Universitesi Bilim Odulu (2003)
19.    Ulusal Endokrinoloji Kongresi En iyi 3. Poster Odulu (2006)
20.    5-7 Ekim 2006 gunleri arasinda  Las Vegas, A.B.D.’de  yapilan 4 ncu  Dunya Insulin Rezistans Sendromu Kongresi’nde  en iyi  poster ikincilik odulu almistir


1.    J Clin Endocrinol Metab (A.B.D.)
2.    Endocrinology (A.B.D)
3.    Israel Academy of Science (Israil)
4.    Diabetologia (Avrupa)
5.    Clinical Laboratory Medicine (Almanya)
6.    Int. J. Obesity (A.B.D)
7.    Turkish Medical Sciences (TUBITAK)
8.    Turkish Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism
9.    Gulhane Tip Dergisi
10.    Ankara Universitesi Tip Fakultesi Dergisi
11.    TUBITAK Saglik Bilimleri Arastirma Grubu Proje Danismanligi
12.    GATA Arastirma Merkezi Proje Danismanligi
13.    Nobel Medicus Dergisi
14.    Guraba Hastanesi Dergisi


1.    Pastor Enstitusunde  ‘’Euroconferans on Obesity’’ de ‘’Obesity and Reproduction’’ isimli konferans (Kasim, 1999) (Paris, Fransa)
2.    5. Avrupa Endokrinoloji Kongresinde ‘’ Leptin Deficiency and Resistance’’  konulu konferans (Torino, Italya, 9 Haziran 2001)


Mayis 2009 tarihi itibariyle yurtdisi yayinlarina 2100 atif yapilmistir


1.    Paris Pastor Enstitusunde Avrupa Obezite Sempozyumunda ‘’Obezite ve Reproduktif Sistem’’ isimli konferans (Kasim ,1999)
2.     9 Haziran 2001  tarihinde Italya Torino’da yapilan 5. Avrupa Endokrin Kongresinde ‘Leptin yetmezligi ve direnci’’ isimli bir konferans vermistir..
3.    12. Balkan Endokrinoloji Kongresinde (Mayis 21-25, 2003 Selanik,Yunanistan)  ‘’ Human Leptin Deficiency’’ konulu bir konferans vermistir.


1.    1995-200 tarihleri arasinda GATA Arastirma Merkezi Tibbi Arastirma Bolum Baskanligi

2.    Gulhane Tip Dergisi Yardimci Editorluk (1995-2000).
1.    ‘’Obezite Tani ve Tedavisi’’  GATA  Basimevi, 2003, Ankara
2.    ‘’Tiroid Hastaliklarinda Tani ve Tedavi’’ GATA Basimevi, 2003, Ankara
3.    Tiroid Kanserleri, Ayin kitabi 2003, GATA Basimevi,Ankara
4.    Noduler Guatr, Ayin Kitabi , 2003, GATA Basimevi,Ankara
5.    Tirotoksikoz” Ayin Kitabi Nisan 2004, GATA Basimevi,Ankara
6.    Dogru Beslen Formda Kal, Epsilon Yayinevi, 2004, Istanbul
7.    Hipotiroidizm Tani ve Tedavisi-GATA Basimevi , Nisan 2005 Ayin Kitabi
8.    Tiroid Hastaliklarina Guncel Yaklasim.  Epsilon  Yayinevi, 2005, Istanbul
9.    Tiroit Hakkinda Bilmeniz Gereken Her Sey, Epsilon Yayinevi, 2005, Istanbul
10.    Diyabet Hakkinda Bilmeniz Gereken Her Sey, Epsilon Yayinevi, 2006
11.    G.I. Diyeti, Erko yayincilik, 2007 Istanbul
12.    99 Sayfada Kilo Yonetimi ve Bilimsel Zayiflama,Is bankasi yayini, 2007
13.    Vitamin Mineral ve Bitkisel Urun Rehberi, Gurer yayinlari, 2008
14.    99 Sayfada Tiroid Hastaliklari, Is bankasi yayini, 2008
15.    Diyabetle Kaliteli Yasam Rehberi, Gurer yayinlari, 2009
16.    Guatr ve Tiroid Rehberi, Gurer yayinlari, 2010
18.    Tiroid Tani ve Tedavi Baskida

19.    Endokrinoloji, Baskida
20. Hormonlar ve Siz Baskıda

1.     Editorlugunu Bolis CL, Licinio J, Govoni S’ nin yaptigi ‘’The Autonomic Nervous System’’ isimli 2003 yilinda Marcel Dekker Inc. tarafindan A.B.D’de basilmis olan kitabin  ‘’Autonomic Nervous System-Leptin Interaction’’ isimli bolumunu Bulent Yildiz, Ma-Li Wong ve Julio Licinio ile beraber yazmistir.


1.    Tiroit Hastaliklarina Guncel Yaklasim, Epsilon Yayinevi, 2005, Istanbul
2.    Endokrinoloji-Metabolizma Diabet, Istanbul Medikal Yayincilik, 2006, Istanbul
3.    Tip 2 Diyabetin Tibbi Tedavisi (ADA Yayini) Turkce Ceviri Editoru.2004


1.    Ilicin, Unal, Biberoglu, Akalin, ve Suleymanlar’in editorlugunu yaptigi TEMEL IC HASTALIKLARI kitabinin  (Gunes Kitabevi Ltd. Sti.., Ankara, 1996) HIPERLIPOPROTEINEMILER ve  SEKS FARKLILASMA BOZUKLUKLARI ( sayfa 1500-1516)  konularini yazmistir.
2.    Editorlugunu Prof. Dr. Olcay Gedik’in yaptigi ‘Mezuniyet Sonrasi Diabetes Mellitus Kursu’ kitabinin ‘Beta3 adrenerjik reseptor gen polimorfizmi ve NIDDM’ konusunu yazmistir.1997.
4.    Editorlugunu Prof.Dr. Husrev Hatemi, Prof . Dr. Taylan Kabalak ve  Prof.Dr Gurbuz Erdogan’in in yaptigi ‘’ Klinik Tiroid ‘’ kitabinin ‘Hashimoto Tiroiditi ‘ bolumunu yazmistir. Kelebek Matbaacilik, Aralik 2001.
5.    Editorlugunu Prof. Dr. Olcay Gedik’in yaptigi ‘ Endokrinoloji ve Metabolizma Hastaliklari Kurs Kitabi’ nin ‘Iyi Diferansiye Tiroid Karsinomalariinin Etiyopatogenezinde Onkogenler ve Tumor Supressor Genlerin Rolu’ ve ‘AIDS’te Adrenal ve Gonad’ bolumlarini yazmistir. 1998.
6.    Endokrin Bolum Editorlugunu Prof. Dr. Olcay Gedik’in yaptigi ve yakinda basilacak olan Ic Hastaliklari Kitabinin ‘’Yeme davranisi bozukluklari’’ bolumunu yazmistir.
7.    Tiroid Hormon Rezistansi, Kitap Bolumu. Kologlu Endokrinoloji Temel Klinik 2.Baski MN Medikal ve Nobel. 2005

                            YAYINLAR LISTESI
(Kronolojik sira)
1.    *Ozata M., Suzuki S., Miyamoto T., Lui RT., Fierro-Renoy F., DeGroot LJ: Serum thyroglobulin in the follow-up of patients with treated differentiated thyroid cancer. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 79:98-105, 1994.
2.    *Liu RT., Suzuki S., Miyamoto T., Takeda T., Ozata M., DeGroot LJ.: The dominant negative effect of thyroid hormone receptor splicing variant 2 does not require binding to a thyroid response element. Molecular Endocrinology. 9:86-95,1995.
3.    *Ozata M., Kurt I., Azal O., Bolu E., Corakci A., Beyhan Z., Karaca L., Gundogan MA.:Can we use plasma fibronectin levels as a marker for early diabetic nephropathy. Endocrine Journal. 42:301-305, 1995.
4.    *Ozata M., Ozkardes A., Corakci A., Gundogan MA.:Subclinical hypothyroidism does not lead to alterations either in peripheral nerves or in brainstem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs). Thyroid. 5:201-205,1995.
5.    *Ozata M., Bayhan H., Bingol N, Dundar S., Beyhan Z., Corakci A., Gundogan MA.:Sequential changes in serum TPO following radioiodine therapy of patients witrh differentiated thyroid carcinoma. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 80:3634-3638,1995.
6.    *Ozata M., Suzuki S, Takeda T., Malkin DG, Miyamoto T., Liu R-T., Suzuki N., Silverberg JDH, Daneman D., DeGroot LJ.: Functional analysis of a proline to serine mutation in codon 453 of the thyroid hormone receptor 1 gene. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 80: 3239-3245,1995.
7.    *Ozata M., Bulur M., Bingol N., Beyhan Z., Corakci A., Bolu E., Gundogan MA.:Daytime plasma melatonin levels in male hypogonadism. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 81:1877-1881.1996.
8.    *Yildiz O., Bolu E., Deniz G., Senoz S., Simsek A., Ozata M., Gundogan N, Gundogan MA: Effects of dexfenfluaramine on glucose drinking and glucose- conditioned flavour preferences in rats: Taste versus post-ingestive conditioning. Pharmacol Res. 33:41-46, 1996.
9.    *Yildirimkaya M., Bilgi C., Ozata M., Nazaroglu NK, Gundogan MA,Kutluay T., Karaca L.: Biological variation of serum lipids and lipoproteins in patients with clinically well controlled non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus.  Endocrine Journal. 43:345-351, 1996.
10.    *Ozata M., Bolu E., Sengul A., Tasar M, Beyhan Z, Corakci A., Gundogan MA.: Effects of octreotide treatment on Graves’ ophthalmopathy and circulating sICAM-1 levels. Thyroid. 6:283-288, 1996.
11.    *Ozata M., Yildirimkaya M., Bulur M., Yilmaz K., Bolu E., Corakci A., Gundogan MA.: Effects of gonadotropin and testosterone treatments on lipoproten (a), HDL particles and other lipoprotein levels in male hypogonadism. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 81: 3372-3378, 1996.
12.    *Ozata M., Ozkardes A., Bulur M., Beyhan Z., Corakci A., Yardim M, Gundogan MA.: Central and peripheral neural responses in males with idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. J Endocrinol Invest. 19: 449-454, 1996.
13.    *Ozata M., Bolu E., Sengul A., Altinsoy HI, Turan M., Corakci A., Gundogan MA.:Soluble intercellular adhesion  molecule-1 concentrations in patients with subacute thyroiditis and in patients with Graves’ disease with or without ophthalmopathy. Endocrine Journal. 43: 517-525, 1996.
14.    *Yildiz O., Ozata M., Ozkardes A., Deniz G., Yildirimkaya M.,Corakci A., Yardim M, Gundogan MA.: Comparison of the effects of aminoguanidine and L-carnitine treatments on somatosensory evoked potentials in alloxan- diabetic rats. NS’s Arch Pharmacol. 354: 526-531, 1996.
15.    *Ozkardes, A., Ozata M., Beyhan Z., Corakci A, Vural O, Yardim M, Gundogan MA.:Acute hypothyroidism leads to reversible alterations in central nervous system as revealed by somatosensory evoked potentials. Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophsiology 100:500-504, 1996.
16.    *Ozata M., Ozkardes A., Dolu H, Corakci A., Yardim M, Gundoðan MA.:Evaluation of central motor conduction in hypothyroid and Hyperthyroid patients. J Endocrinol Invest. 19:449-454, 1996.
17.    *Beyan C., Ural AU, Cetin T, Ozata M., Yalcin A.: Acute promyelocytic leukemia in the course of acromegaly. Endocrine Journal.43:565-568, 1996.
18.    *Yildirimkaya M., Ozata M, Yilmaz K, Kilinc C, Gundogan MA, Kutluay T: Lp(a) concentration in subclinical hypothyroidism before and after levo-thyroxine therapy. Endocrine Journal. 43:731-736,1996.
19.    *Ozata M, Gundogan MA.: Early morning melatonin levels in hypogonadal men-Author’s response. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 81:4181-4182, 1996.
20.    *Yildiz O., Ozata M., Ozkardes A., Corakci A., Gundogan NU, Gundogan MA.: L-carnitine treatment improves auditory evoked potentials in diabetic rats. NeuroReport. 7(18):2957-2959,1996.
21.    *Ozata M., Kurt I., Serdar M., Onde ME, Corakci A.,Gundogan MA.: Biochemichal composition of benign thyroid cyst fluid. Biol Trace Elem Res. 57:9-17, 1997.
22.    *Ozata M., Tayfun C, Kurtaran K., Yetkin I, Beyhan Z., Caglayan S, Alemdaroglu A, Corakci A., Gundogan MA.:Magnetic resonance imaging of posterior pituitary for evaluation of the neurohypophyseal function in idiopathic and autosomal dominant neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus. European Radiology. 7:1098-1102, 1997.
23.    *Ozata M, Ozturk E, Narin Y, Tayfun C, Azal O, Beyhan Z, Corakci A, Bayhan H, Gundogan MA.: A case of thyrotropin secreting pituitary adenoma with normal TSH-. Thyroid. 6:441-447,1997.
24.    *Ozata M., Ozkardes A.,Corakci A., Beyhan Z., Gundogan M.A.:Event related brain potentials in hypothyroidism. Endocrine Practice 3:349--352,1997.
25.    Ozata M.,Ozkardes A., Beyhan Z, Corakci A, Gundogan MA.:Central and peripheral neural responses in acromegaly. Endocrine Practice.3:118-122, 1997.
26.    *Ozata M., Odabasi Z, Musabak U., Corakci A., Gundogan M.A.: A case of Addison’s  disease associated with Lambert-Eaton myastenic syndrome. J. Endocrinol Invest. 20:338-341, 1997.
27.    *Ozata M, Bulur M, Beyhan Z, Sengul A, Saglam M, Turan M, Corakci A, , Gundogan MA.: Effects of gonadotropine and testosterone treatments on prostate volume and serum prostate specific antigen levels in male hypogonadism. Endocr J, 44: 719-724 ,1997.
28.    Ozata M, Ozkardes A, Odabasi Z, Corakci A, Gundogan MA.: Auditory event-related brain potentials in hyperthyroidism. Acta Neurol Belg. 97:228-232, 1997.
29.    *Ataergin S., Ozata M., Karaeren H., Salk M., Corakci A., Gundogan M.A.: A case of Noonan’s sydrome with numerous cardiac abnormalities. Endocrine Practice , 4:33-36, 1998.
30.    *Strobel A., Issad T., Camoin L., Ozata M., Strosberg A.D. A Leptin missense mutation associated with hypogonadism and morbid obesity. Nature Genetics, 18:213-215 ,1998
31.    *Ozata M, Yildirimkaya M, Yilmaz K, Beyhan Z, Corakci A, Kutluay T, Gundogan MA: The effect of thyroid status on serum apolipoprotein A-I containing lipoprotein particles. Horm Metab Res. ,30:217-221,1998.
32.    *Ozata M, Beyhan Z.: Effects of testosterone treatment on plasma melatonin levels in male hypogonadism. Clinical Endocrinology,48:669-670,1998.
33.    *Ozata M., Ozisik G., Bingol N.: The effects of thyroid status on plasma leptin levels in women. J.Endocrinol Invest ,21:337-341,1998.
34.    *Ozata M,Ozisik G., Caglayan S., Yesilova S., Bingol N., Saglam M., Turan M., Beyhan Z.: Effects of gonadotropin and testosterone treatments on plasma leptin levels in male patients with idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and Klinefelter’s syndrome. Horm. Metab. Res., 30:217-221, 1998.
35.    *Issad T, Strobel A, camoin L, Ozata M, Strosberg  AD: Leptin and puberty in humans:hypothesis of the critical adipose mass revisited. Diabetes Metab., 24:376-378, 1998
36.    *Uckaya G,  Ozata M, Sonmez A,  Kinalp C , Eyileten T ,  Bingol N,  Koc B,  Kocabalkan  F,  Ozdemir I.C. Plasma Leptin Levels Strongly Correlates with Plasma Renin Activity in Patients with Essential Hypertension. Horm Metab Res 31:435-438, 1999.
37.    *Ozata M, Uckaya G, Beyhan Z, Ozdemir IC. Plasma leptin levels in male patients with idiopathic central diabetes insipidus. J Endocrinol Invest 22:451-454, 1999.
38.    *Ozata M, Odabasi Z, Caglayan S, Beyhan Z, Vural O, Ozdemir I.C. Event-related brain potentials in male hypogonadism. J Endocrinol Invest  22:508-513, 1999.
39.    *Ozata M, Salk M, Aydin, Sayin S, Oktenli C, Beyhan Z, Isimer A, Ozdemir IC. Iodine and zinc, but not selenium and copper, deficiency exists in a male Turkish population with endemic goiter. Biol Trace Elem Res 69:211-216, 1999.
40.    Mergen H, Oner C, Ozata M, Oner R. Screening for mitochondrial gene mutations in patients with diabetes mellitus in Turkey. Balkan journal of medical genetics. 2: 17-20, 1999.
41.    *Gul H, Odabasi Z, Yildiz O, Ozata M, Deniz G, Vural O, Isimer A. Beneficial effect of thyrotropin-releasing hormone on neuropathy in diabetic rats. Diabetes Res Clin Prac. 44:93-100, 1999.
42.    *Ozata M, Ozdemir IC, Licinio J. Multipl endocrine defects, decreased sympathetic tone, and immune system dysfunction in patients with a missense human leptin gene muatation: new targets for leptin action and spontaneous correction of leptin- mediated defects. J  Clinical Endocrinol  Metab. 84:3686-3695, 1999.
43.    *Yesilova Z, Ozata M, Kocar IH, Pekel A, Sengul A, Ozdemir IC. The effects of gonadotropin treatment on the immunological features of male patients with idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 85:66-70, 2000.
44.    *Odabasi E, Ozata M, Turan M, Yonem A, Cakir B, Bingol N, Kutlu M, Ozdemir IC. Plasma leptin concentrations in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. Eur J Endocrinol. 142:170-173, 2000.
45.    *Uckaya G, Ozata M, Sonmez A, Eyileten T, Bingol N, Kocabalkan F, Ozdemir IC. Is leptin associated with hypertensive retinopathy? J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 85: 683-687, 2000.
46.    *Uckaya G, Ozata M, Bayraktar Z, Bingol N, Ozdemir IC. Is leptin associated with diabetic retinopathy? Diabetes Care 23:371-376,2000.
47.    *Proenza AM, Poissonnet CM, Ozata M, Ozen S, Guran S, Palou A, Strosberg AD. Association of sets of alleles of genes encoding beta3adrenoreceptor, uncoupling protein 1 and lipoprotein lipase with increased risk of metabolic complications in  obesity. International Journal of Obesity, 24:93-100, 2000.
48.    *Ozata M, Uckaya G, Aydin A, Isimer A, Ozdemir IC. Defective antioxidant defense system in patients with a human leptin gene mutation. Horm Metab Res 32:269-272, 2000.
49.    *Gul D, Ozata M, Mergen H, Odabasi Z, Mergen M. Woodhouse and Sakati syndrome (MIM 241080): report of a new patient. Clin Dysmorphol. 2000 Apr;9 (2):123-5.
50.    *Kocar IH, Yesilova Z, Ozata M, Turan M, Sengul A, Ozdemir IC. The effects of testosterone treatment on immunological features of patients with Klinefelter’s syndrome. Clin Exp Immunol.121:448-452, 2000.
51.    Ozata M, Yesilova Z, Saglam M, Tunca Y. A case of Klinefelter’s syndrome associated with unilateral renal aplasia. Med Sci Monit.6:1000-1002, 2000.
52.    *Toprak S, Yonem A, Cakir B, Guler S, Azal O, Ozata M, Corakci A. Insulin resistance in nonobese patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. Horm Res. 55:65-70,2001
53.    *Caglayan S, Ozata M, Ozisik G, Turam M,Bolu E, Okten C, Gul D, Erbil K, Ozdemir IC. Plasma Melatonin concentrations  before and during testosterone treatment: relation with hepatic indolamin metabolism and sympathoadrenal activity. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 86:,  2001.
54.    Ozisik G, Mergen H, Ozata M, Caglayan S, Bolu E, Ozdemir IC,Oner C, Vitamin D receptor gene polymorphism and vertebral bone density in men with idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. Med Sci Monit 7:233-237, 2001
55.    *Mergen M, Mergen H, Ozata M, Oner R, Oner C. A novel melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R) gene mutation associated with morbid obesity. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 86:3448-3451,2001
56.    *Ozata M, Gungor D,Turan M,Ozisik G, Bingol N, Ozgurtas T, Ozdemir IC. Improved gylcemic control increases fasting plasma acylation stimulating protein and decreases leptin concentartion in type 2 diabetic ssubjects. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 86:3659-3664, 2001.
57.     *Mantzoros CS, Ozata M, Negrao AB, Suchard MA, Ziotopoulou M, Caglayan S, Elashoff RM, Cogswell RJ, Negro P, Liberty V, Wong ML,Veldhuis J, Ozdemir IC, Gold PW, Flier JS,Licinio J. Synchronicity of frequently sampled thyrotropin (TSH) and leptin concentrations in health adults and leptin-deficient subjects: Evidence for possible partial TSH regulation by leptin in humans. J Clin Endocrinol Metab.86:3284-3291, 2001.
58.    *Ozata M, Avcu F, Durmus O, Yilmaz I, Ozdemir IC, Yalcin A. Leptin does not play a major role in obesity and leptin deficiency. Obes Res. 9:627-630, 2001.
59.     Ozata M,Uckaya G, Bolu E, Corapcioglu D, Bingol N, Ozdemir IC. Plasma leptin concentration in  patients with Graves’ disease with or without ophthalmopathy. Med Sci Monit. 7:696-700,2001.
60.    *Aydin A, Orhan H, Sayal A, Ozata M, Sahin G, Isimer A. Oxidative stress and nitric oxide related parameters in type 2 diabetes mellitus: effects of glycemic control. Clin Biochem. 34:65-70, 2001.
61.    Sonmez A, Kisa U, Uckaya G, Eyileten T, Comert B, Koc B, Kocabalkan F, Ozata M. Effects of losartan treatment on T cell activities and plasma leptin concentrations in primary hypertension. Journal ofthe Renin-AngiotensinAldosterone System (JRAAS).2:112-116,2001
62.    *Ozata M. Different presentation of bone mass in mice and humans with congenital leptin deficiency. Letter to Editor. J Clin Endocrinol Metab.87:951,2002
63.    *Ozata M, Oktenli C, Gulec M, Ozgurtas T,Bulucu F, Caglar K,Bingol N, Vural A, Ozdemir IC. Increased  fasting plasma acylation stimulating protein in nephrotic syndrome.  J Clin Endocrinol Metab.87:853-858,2002
64.    *Rittig S, Siggaard C, Ozata M, Yetkin I, Gregersen N, Pedersen EB, Robertson GL. Autosomal dominant neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus due to substitution of histidine for thyrosine (2) in the vosopressin moiety of the hormone precursor. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 87:3351-3355, 2002
65.    Arpaci F, Yilmaz MI, Ozet A, Ayta H, Ozturk B, Komurcu S, Ozata M. Low serum leptin level in colon cancer patients without significant weight loss. Tumori, 88:147-149, 2002.
66.    *Oktenli C, Yesilova Z, Kocar IH, Musabak U, Ozata M, Inal A, Gul D, Sanisoglu Y. Study of autoimmunity in Klinefelter’s syndrome and idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. J Clin Immunol. 22:137-143, 2002-09-04
67.    *Ozata M, Durmus O, Yilmaz M, Bolu E, Erdogan M, Ozdemir C. The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) and its relation with calcium homeostasis in male obesity.Med Sci Monit. 8: CR430-437
68.     *Akar A, Orkunoglu E, Sengul A, Ozata M, Gur AR. HLA class II alleles in patients with alopecia areata. Eur J. Dermatol 12 :236-239, 2002.
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83.    M.I.Yilmaz, Sonmez A, Kilic S, Celik T, Bingol N, Pinar M, Mumcuoglu T. Ozata M: The association of plasma adiponectin levels with hypertensiven retinopathy. European Journal of Endocrinology 2005; 152; 233-240
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86.    Bhagavath B, Ozata M, Ozdemir I.C, Bolu E, Bick D.P, Sherins R.J, Layman L.C: The Prevalence of gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor mutations in a large cohort of patients with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. Fertil Steril: 2005 Oct.84 (4): 951-7
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92.    Cerrato F, Shagoury J, Kralickova M, Dwyer A, Falardeau J, Ozata M, Van Vliet G, Bouloux P, Hall JE, Hayes FJ, Pitteloud N, Martin KA, Welt C, Seminara SB. Coding sequence analysis of GNRHR and GPR54 in patients with congenital and adult-onset forms of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism.
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95.    Licinio J, Milane M, Thakur S, Whelan F, Yildiz BO, Delibasi T, de Miranda PB, Ozata M, Bolu E, Depaoli A, Wong ML. Effects of leptin on intake of specific micro- and macronutrients in a woman with leptin gene deficiency studied off and on leptin at stable body weight.
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97.    Kim HG, Kurth I, Lan F, Meliciani I, Wenzel W, Eom SH, Kang GB, Rosenberger G, Tekin M, Ozata M, Bick DP, Sherins RJ, Walker SL, Shi Y, Gusella JF, Layman LC. Mutations in CHD7, encoding a chromatin-remodeling protein, cause idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and Kallmann syndrome. Am J Hum Genet. 2008 Oct;83(4):511-9. 
98.    Terekeci HM, Senol MG, Top C, Sahan B, Celik S, Sayan O, Kucukardali Y, Ipcioglu O, Cagiltay E, Oktenli C, Ozata M. Plasma osteoprotegerin concentrations in type 2 diabetic patients and its association with neuropathy. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes. 2009 Mar;117(3):119-23.
99.    Erikci AA, Karagoz B, Ozturk A, Caglayan S, Ozisik G, Kaygusuz I, Ozata M. The effect of subclinical hypothyroidism on platelet parameters. Hematology. 2009 Apr;14(2):115-7. 




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